Friday, May 6, 2016


The five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom.

Told myself to finish this book last year but didn't manage to. However, I got myself to finish this book. And let me tell you, I'm not a book type of person. But as I flipped page by page, I got more and more hooked onto this book. It has kept me on my toes, wanting to know what continues in the coming pages. Honestly, I didn't expect myself to actually finish reading this book. There's just something about this book that got me so into it. This read got me thinking real hard, like so much harder than when I think during examinations.

So basically, this book tells you a tale about Eddie who met five different person in heaven. & these five person has appeared in his life at a point of time that Eddie might or might not have noticed. There's a reason why the five person exist in his life. And what did Eddie learned from this five separate meetings? I am not gonna spoil it anymore, but you should really give it a try and read it!

Anyways like I've mentioned, this got me thinking real hard.

What I acquired from this read is that perception is important. Everything happens for a reason, maybe something bad happened to you but something good might have happened to another person that was involved in the particular event. Always try to look at things from a different perspective. Not everything is about you. Try to understand why a person might have gotten angry at you by being in their shoes. Maybe you did spurt out something offensive or might have said something personal that affected the other person. Another scenario could be when a couple breaks up, maybe one of them is happier that way and the other one is having the worst time of his/her life. But you have to see things from a different angle. Maybe it's the best for the other party. Maybe he/she has gone through a tough time during the relationship. Maybe it's for the best. & maybe when you manage to have a look at the bigger picture, then you realize what's right and what went wrong. Learn from it. What I'm saying here is that we as human being should try to look at things differently and not to always be narrow minded. Well, at least I guess that's one of the lessons I learned from this read and how it is so relatable to my current situation.


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